Creos has won the hearts of communities through the expertise it brings to the projects it develops and mounts around the world.

Over the years, the Creos team has shared that expertise with a variety of audiences by focusing on four themes.

Come with us on this journey.

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Usually, you have to go to particular places to contemplate art. Creos’ know-how brings art within the reach of communities, in public spaces.


Maillage Numérique – Optik case study

As part of the Maillage Numérique event organized by Culture Montérégie, whose theme was “Amplifying culture and leisure in the digital age”, Creos presented Optik and, more generally, the impact of interactive art in municipalities.

To know more, click here

City Nation Place – Interactive Infusion (Breakout Session)

Alexandre Lemieux from Creos and David Cowan from Downtown Detroit Partnership were at City Nation Place Americas in Houston to discuss why and how cities embrace the potential of interactive art installations to excite locals, attract visitors, and add new dimensions to the narrative of place brands.

To know more, click here

City Nation Place – Interactive Art: A Catalyst for Urban Revival and Community Engagement (article)

In this article, Creos explores how places are adopting art in urban planning as part of a strategic move towards creating immersive experiences that foster community engagement and stimulate local economies.

To know more, click here


HUB Montreal – Location-based experiential transformations: enhancing your DNA

As part of HUB Montreal, Creos had the opportunity to participate in the PANEL: Location-based experiential transformations – enhancing your DNA by presenting how to redefine the specificities of a site, one space at a time. We shared the journey of the installation Passage during its first 6 years of touring worldwide.

To know more, click here


CODAhorizon – Art + Sensory Perception: Sound, Light and Motion

CODAworx is on a mission to connect members of the art and design industry and generate more commissions of art, to transform public spaces around the world.

CODAworx brings together four creative thought leaders for our last online gathering of the year. They will help us explore how artworks engage with our perceptions, going beyond the mere visual, by incorporating sound, light and motion.

Listen to the presentation, or listen to it again here.

Listening time of 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Radio-Canada Toronto – Y a pas deux matins pareils

Creos is a key intermediary between creators and presenters of temporary public art installations. We are meeting a growing demand for light by enhancing the spaces where public life takes place in order to bring communities together.

Listen to the interview in French, or listen to it again here.

Listening time of 13 minutes.

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From classical art to interactive art, technology has been used to create human connections. This means that viewers are able to see the artwork change in real-time, providing them with a unique sensory experience.


COREX Program: Using light to amaze people

COREX is an initiative of the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec (FCCQ) to support Quebec entrepreneurs in developing their markets in the northeastern United States. René Vézina spoke with Alexandre Lemieux, Director of Business Development at Creos, to talk about the challenges involved in exporting interactive installations.

Creos is the ambassador for our local creativity. Light is a way of enabling viewers to feel things, by stimulating the senses and thus providing people with sensory experiences.

You can watch a great meeting by clicking here. Interview in French.

Listening time of 9 minutes.


Guangzhou China: Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition

THINKLIGHT – Embracing Changes Forum. Creos made its mark by demonstrating the creative and social role played by light in public spaces.

To know more, click here.

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When the creative industries contribute to a city’s economic growth, this has a domino effect on the various stakeholders involved. Everybody benefits.


CODAsummit Experience : The Reimagined City

 as part of CODAsummit: Experience, Creos was invited to be a panelist for “The Reimagined City”, a forum for creators, economic agents and technology leaders to discuss the opportunities offered by combining art with business.

To know more, click here


Les Affaires: Creative enterprises: conquering the planet

This was a real economic success, as Benoît Lemieux, co-founder and CEO of Creos, explained: “There are works that are now generating profits. The initial investment to create it is paying back. Culture no longer needs subsidies to support itself; instead, it is generating returns.”

To read the article in French, click here.


CODAsummit: The Intersection of Art, Technology, and Place 

CODAworx is on a mission to connect members of the art and design industry and generate more commissions of art, to transform public spaces around the world.

Creos’ Industry presentation “Art and Business Go Hand in Hand” took participants behind the scenes of the world’s leading agency of touring interactive installations.

To know more, click here.


EDC: Success stories

EDC’s Export Guarantee Program (EGP) helped Creos access more working capital to increase its line of credit. With the extra cash, the company was able to connect its office and warehouse, which, Lemieux says, “has made productivity go through the roof.”

Key success factor: choose a quality partnership to complete projects safely.

To read the article, click here.


Radio-Canada – Nouvelle vague: 3 ingredients for success in exporting interactive installations

Expand the target and democratize public art to make it more accessible. Investor + Creator + Touring Agency = key to success.

To listen to the interview in French, click here.

Listening time of 15 minutes.


GCDN Barcelona: Global Cultural Districts Network

The Global Cultural Districts Network (GCDN) is a grouping of downtown districts around the world with a focus on culture and the arts. Founded in 2014 by the New Cities Foundation, the Dallas Arts District, and AEA Consulting, this international federation organizes annual events to reflect on improving the quality of urban life through the contribution of the arts, culture, and creative industries.

At the annual conference in Barcelona, Spain, Creos highlights the importance of culture through the connection between human beings, in order to build better spaces for future generations.

Québec Matin – Entrevue LCN: Light therapy that travels

In this interview, Creos emphasized its goal of finding places to present installations in public spaces – to make the names of the creators known worldwide by offering a second and third life for temporary interactive art.

Creos provides the market with a responsible investment model.

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Art is a volatile industry. Creos arranges tours of temporary installations, creating a business model that fills communities around the world with wonder.


IDA – Service advisory session

As part of IDA’s Annual Conference and Marketplace, themed Reinventing: The Communities of Tomorrow, Creos had the opportunity to participate in the panel: Beyond creativity: How Québec studios can generate a positive impact by enhancing your public spaces organized by IQI (Investissement Québec international)

To know more, click here.


LAND Studio: Public art designed to travel

With support from Cuyahoga Arts and Culture, LAND studio created Studio to the Street: a workshop series providing local artists with the tools to successfully apply for, plan, and carry out public art projects.

Creos distinguishes itself by emphasizing its strategy of giving installations a second life. Thanks to the “Touring installation”, public spaces are reinvented.

To see the interview, click here.

Listening time of 54 minutes.


CCMM: Strategic Forum on Creative Industries

Creos creates opportunities and shares its keys to success in exporting.

Read the article here.

Les Affaires : Creos fait voyager l’art dans le monde

To read the article in French, please click here.

Chromatic Montreal: Chromatic Pro

Round table: Quebec artists and export. Creos uses its multiple partnerships to position Quebec internationally.

“Talent knows neither borders nor limits of inspiration”

To know more, click here.

La Presse : Creos tisse sa toile aux USA

We are proud to be mentioned in this article as an internationally recognized Quebec creation.

To read the article in French, please click here.